He is the older brother
of Krishna. He is white and has two hands and sometimes carries a plow
or club and sometimes both. He is often seen in pictures with Krishna
and with the cowherd boys. He usually wears a blue dhoti.
The beauty of Balarama is described by Rupa Gosvami in the Nectar of
Devotion. "Let me take shelter of the lotus feet of Balarama, whose
beauty is enhanced by the earrings touching His checks. His face is
decorated with tilaka made from kasturi (musk), and His broad chest
is decorated with a garland of gunja (small conchshells). His complexion
is as white as an autumn cloud, He wears garments of blue color, and
His voice is very grave. His arms are very long, touching His thighs,
and He has shown His great strength by killing the Pralamba demon. Let
me take shelter of this chivalrous Balarama."
"Sri Baladeva is the Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself. He is equal
in supremacy to the Supreme Godhead, yet where ever Krishna appears,
Sri Baladeva appears as Krishna's brother sometimes elder, sometimes
younger." (Srimad Bhagavatam 10.1.24 purport)
"Sri Balarama is the servitor Godhead who serves Lord Krishna in all
affairs of existence and knowledge. The transcendental abode exists
by the energy of Lord Balarama. Krishna's first expansion in a form
for pastimes is Balarama. Balarama Himself helps in the pastimes of
Lord Krishna and He does the work of creation in four other forms. In
all forms Balarama tastes the transcendental bliss of serving Krishna."
(Caitanya Caritamrita Adi 4.8-11)

She is
also known as Radha, Radhe and Radhika. Her complexion is like molten
gold. She wears blue garments, and wears pearls and flowers. She is
the most important of the gopis of Vrindavana. She is the main consort
of Krishna and is often seen standing with Lord Krishna on the altar
in temples.
The word Radha means "the greatest worshiper of Krishna." Since Radha's
love is the greatest, She gives the greatest pleasure to Sri Krishna.
"Jagat mohana krsna tanhara mohini, ataeva samastera para thakurani.
"Krishna enchants the whole world, but Radhika enchants even
Him. Therefore, Radha is the Supreme Goddess." (Caitanya Caritamrita
Adi 4.95)
The beauty of Radharani is described as: "Her eyes defeat the
attractive features of the eyes of the cakrai bird. When one sees the
face of Radharani, he immediately hates the beauty of the moon. Her
bodily complexion defeats the beauty of gold. Thus, let us all look
upon the transcendental beauty of Radharani." (Nectar of Devotion)
" Radharani is the center of all Vrindavana activities. In Vrindavana,
Krishna is the instrument of Radharani; therefore all the inhabitants
of Vrindavana still chant 'Jaya Radhe.' From Krishna's own statement
given herein, it appears that Radharani is the Queen of Vrindavana and
that Krishna is simply Her decoration." (Caitanya Caritamrita Madhya
11.150 purport)
"In Vrindavana people are accustomed to chant Radharani's name
more than Krishna's name. 'Jaya Radhe.' If you want Krishna's favor,
then just try to please Radharani. This is the way." (SPT 75/82)
gopis, Krishna's cowherd girl friends in Vrindavana, are His most confidential
"The pastimes of Radharani and Krishna are self-effulgent. They
are happiness personified, unlimited and all-powerful. Even so the spiritual
humors of such pastimes are never complete without the gopis, the Lord's
personal friends. Without the gopis, these pastimes between Radha and
Krishna cannot be nourished." (Caitanya Caritamrita Madhya 8.203)
"The personal associates of Radharani, the gopi damsels of Vraja, are
direct expansions of Her body. These expansions of Radharani
are necessary for enhancing the pleasure potency of Sri Krishna. Their
transcendental exchanges of love are the superexcellent affairs of the
pastimes of Vrindavana. By the expansions of Radharani's personal
body, She helps Lord Krishna taste the rasa-dance and similar other
activities." (Caitanya Caritamrita Adi 4.81 purport)
"All the other gopis help increase the joy of Krishna's pastimes with
Radharani. The gopis act as instruments of Their mutual enjoyment."
(Caitanya Caritamrita Adi 4.217)
There are eight main gopis who are the leader of all the other gopis.
They always serve Radha and try to please Her in every way. They are
the dearest and most beloved friends of Radharani.