- Sri Madana Mohana, Sri Govinda and Sri
It is
said that Vajranabha, the great-grandson of Krishna, first had three
Deities of Krishna carved. He never saw Krishna, so they were carved
from the description of Uttara, the mother of Maharaja Pariksit
(others say it was Usha his mother). He had three different images
carved, but none of them were perfect. Govindaji resembled the face
(Mukharabinda), Madana Mohana resembled the navel down to the lotus
feet, and Gopinatha resembled the trunk of the body, from the navel
to the neck.
In Padma Purana it is said that to get the full vision of Sri Krishna,
you have to visit and pay obeisances to all three Deities in a single
day, while the sun is still up. Sri Govinda and Sri Gopinatha are
now in Jaipur and Sri Madana Mohana is in Karoli, a small town in
Three Stages of Devotional Service
Caitanya Caritamrita Adi, it is that "In the process of establishing
our relationship with Krishna there are three stages: sambandha,
abhidheya, and prayojana. The three Deities-Madana Mohana, Govinda,
and Gopinatha have very specific qualities. Worship of Madana Mohana
is on the platform of reestablishing our forgotten relationship
with the Personality of Godhead (sambandha). In the material world
we are presently in utter ignorance of our eternal relationship
with the Supreme Lord; therefore it is best not to aspire for success
in furtive activities or mental speculation, but instead simply
to surrender to the Supreme Personality off Godhead. The perfection
of life is simply to surrender to the Supreme. In the beginning
of our spiritual life we must therefore worship Madana Mohana so
that He may attract us and nullify our attachment for material sense
gratification. This relationship with Madana Mohana is necessary
for neophyte devotees.
When one wishes to render service to the Lord with strong attachment,
one then worships Govinda on the platform of transcendental service
(abhidheya). Govinda is the reservoir of all pleasures.
When by the grace of Krishna and the devotees one reaches perfection
in devotional service (prayojana), he can appreciate Krishna as
Gopinatha or Gopijana-vallabha, the pleasure Deity of the damsels
of Vraja." |