"In the highest
region of Vaikuntha, is the spiritual planet called Krishnaloka. It
has three divisions-Dwarka, Mathura and Goloka. Sri Goloka, the highest
of all, is also called Braja, Goloka, Svetadvipa and Vrindavana."
(Caitanya Caritamrita Adi 5. 16-19)
The greatness of Vrindavana can be understood by the very fact that
it is the highest of all three divisions of Krishnaloka. Even Sri Krishna,
The Supreme Personality of Godhead made Vrindavana his supreme abode.
Since Sri Krishna is worshipable, his dhama, Vrindavana is worshipable
and therefore, the dust of Vrindavana which is no different from Krishna,
is also worshipable.
"Because Vrindavana dust is not different from Krishna, when you
take a little dust from Vrindavana Dhama, it means you are taking dust
from Krishna's lotus feet." (Srila Prabhupada Tape 75/89)
"The dust of Govinda's lotus feet is so sacred that even Brahma,
Siva, and the goddess of fortune Rama take the dust on their heads to
dispel sinful reactions." (Srimad Bhagavatam 10.30.29)
"The dust of Krishna's lotus feet, which is the source of holiness
for all places of pilgrimage, is worshiped by all the great demigods.
The principal deities of all planets are engaged in His service, and
they consider themselves most fortunate to take the dust of the lotus
feet of Krishna on their crowns." (Srimad Bhagavatam 10.68.37)
"As soon as Akrura entered the boundary of Vrindavana, he saw the
footprints of the cows and Lord Krishna's footprints, impressed with
the signs of His sole, the flag, trident, thunder-bolt and lotus flower.
Upon seeing the footprints of Krishna, Akrura immediately jumped down
from the chariot, out of respect. He became overwhelmed with all the
symptoms of ecstasy; he wept, and his body trembled. Out of extreme
jubilation upon seeing the dust touched by the lotus feet of Krishna,
Akrura fell flat on his face and began to roll on the ground."
"Akrura's journey to Vrindavana is exemplary. One who intends to
visit Vrindavana should follow the ideal footsteps of Akrura and always
think of the pastimes and activities of the Lord. As soon as one reaches
the boundary of Vrindavana, he should immediately smear the dust of
Vrindavana over his body without thinking of his material position and
prestige. Actually one cannot go to Vrindavana by purchasing a ticket.
The process of going to Vrindavana is shown by Akrura." (Krishna