"It is understood
that Mathura City is the transcendental abode of Lord Krishna. It is
not an ordinary material city, for it is eternally connected with the
Supreme Personality of Godhead. Vrindavana is within the jurisdiction
of Mathura and still continues to exist. Because Mathura and Vrindavana
are intimately connected with Krishna eternally, it is said that Lord
Krishna never leaves Vrindavana (vrindavanam parityajya padam ekam na
gacchati). At
present the place known as Vrindavana in the district of Mathura, continues
its position as a transcendental place and certainly anyone who goes
there becomes transcendentally purified.
"We must understand the transcendental importance of Mathura, Vrindavana
and Navadvipa dhamas. Anyone who executes devotional service in these
places certainly goes back home, back to Godhead after giving up his
"Whenever the Supreme Personality appears, He appears in Mathura because
of His intimate connection with this place. Therefore, although Mathura
and Vrindavana are situated on this planet earth, they are transcendental
abodes of the Lord." (Srimad Bhagavatam 10.1.28 Purport).
"The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Krishna engages in pastimes
there eternally. For this reason Vrindavana is better than all other
holy places. Sixty billion sacred places reside in Mathura and Vrindavana.
(Mathura Mahatma)
"Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu instructs us that just as Krishna is worshipable,
Krishna's place, Vrindavana, is also worshipable. Similarly, the paraphernalia
in Vrindavana-the trees, roads, rivers, everything-is worshipable. A
pure devotee thus sings, Jaya, Jaya Vrindavana-vasi yata jana: 'All
glories to the residents of Vrindavana'. If one has a staunch devotional
attitude, all these conclusions will be revealed in the heart." (Caitanya
Caritamrita Madhya 12.38 purport)
"As Brajendranandana, Krishna, is worshipable, His dhama, Vrindavana
is also worshipable. We should be very much respectful toward Vrindavana-dhama.
Otherwise we will be offenders, dhama-aparadha." (Srila Prabhupada
Tape 72/48)
"The human form of life is meant for understanding this transcendental
land of Vrindavana and its inhabitants. An expansion of this Vrindavana,
which is the supreme abode of Krishna is also present on earth. No one
can appreciate Vrindavana without being highly elevated in spiritual
knowledge, Krishna consciousness." (Teaching of Lord Caitanya)
"Vrindavana-dhama is non-different from Krishna because the name, form,
fame and place where the Lord manifests are all identical with the Lord
as absolute knowledge. Therefore, Vrindavana-dhama is as worshipable
as the Lord." (Srimad Bhagavatam, Intro.)
"The ideal place to execute Krishna consciousness is Braja-bhumi, or
Vrindavana, where the people are naturally inclined to love Krishna
and Krishna is naturally inclined to love them." (Caitanya Caritamrita
Madhya 4.95)
"There are falls which are always pouring water, and the sound
is so sweet that it covers the sound of the crickets.The forest always
looks very green and beautiful. The lakes of Vrindavana are surrounded
by green grasses, and various kinds of lotus flowers bloom there, and
the air blowing in Vrindavana carries the aromatic pollen of those lotus
flowers. Flowers are always blooming, and there are even various kinds
of decorated deer. Birds are chirping, peacocks are crowing and dancing,
and bees are humming. The cuckoos there sing nicely in five kinds of
tunes." (Krishna Book)
"Sri Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead full of all opulence,
and His complete opulence are exhibited only in Braja-dhama. Braja-dhama
is made of transcendental touch-stone. Its entire surface is the source
of all valuable jewels, and the cintamini stone is used to decorate
the lotus feet of the maid of Vrindavana. Vrindavana is a natural forest
of desire trees and creepers. "In Vrindavana there are cows that fulfill
all desire (kama-dhenus). They graze from forest to forest delivering
only milk. The water in Vrindavana is nectar, and the brahmajyoti effulgence,
which is full of transcendental bliss, is directly perceived there in
its form." (Caitanya Caritamrita Madhya 14.220-27)
"According to ordinary experience Vrindavana appears like an ordinary
village, but in the eyes of elevated devotees, it is as good as the
original Vrindavana in the spiritual world.." (Teaching of Lord
Caitanya, Chap. 31)